
Black Beauty

I love working with inner-city kids. They are hilarious; full of life and personality. They say the funny things and interaction with them always makes for funny stories. I have been working at the Boys and Girls Club since the first of December and most days, it is fun. It is always full-on crazy and I spend most days running around from place to place, dealing with kids and parents and phone calls, but I like it. It's the kids and the funny things that they do and say that make the craziness all worth it. I will tell you about one of my favorite funny things that has happened so far. At the beginning of Black History Month, one of my part-time staff had 2 girls helping her find books on the bookshelves that related to Black History. One of the girls held up a book and said, "Mrs. Tiffany, like this one?" She was holding a copy of Black Beauty. My co-worker and I could not stop laughing. She said, "I like the concept, but that's not exactly what we are looking for."

From now on, when I see anything related to Black Beauty, I will think of that comment.