I have recently seen this fruit everywhere, I have even eaten a few. I started thinking, "Why grapefruit?" I mean it isn't a grape, nor does it favor one in any form of fashion. It is also, not common to define a word with the word itself. Why add fruit to the end of name, isn't it obvious that is what it is?
It would be like naming a cucumber a "broccoli vegetable" instead of a cucumber and that is just absurd.
Any thoughts?
haha. deep thoughts, with AJ Jordan.
Being the genius that I am, I do have a small answer for you in accordance with one of the questions you posed. The current name of the "grapefruit" alludes to clusters of the fruit on the tree, which often appear similar to grapes.
OK, so Wikipedia is the true genius in this instance...but your deep thought inspired me to do a little research.
I love you "AJfriend." Ha!
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