My boss at church asked me recently if I would head up the kids portion of family camp this year. I agreed because I like camp and it sounded like something I would enjoy. It is also 3 days in the mountains and if you know me....mountains is all you have to say and I am in. Anyway, I went to Walmart today to buy the list of supplies I needed for all of the kids games. Someone else came up with the games, so I wasn't familiar with some of the items I needed. One game in particular is called, "bobbing for Ho Ho's." You needed bowls, milk and of course, Ho Ho's. I didn't know what a Ho Ho was. I actually thought that it was one of those generic bag know, like a knock off cheerios. I walked up and down the cereal isle and I could not find anything that said "Ho Ho's," so I considered getting Honey Nut Scooters instead (who comes up with these names?). Lauren happened to call me while I was in there so I asked her and she didn't know. Then I asked her to google it and she was hesitant because of what might come up when she typed in the words "Ho Ho's." She googled it anyway, but with no luck. So, I then googled it on my phone and got lucky. Apparently, Ho Ho's are not cereal at all. They are Hostess snack cakes! They are Hostess' version of Little Debbie's Swiss Cake Rolls, which I LOVE! Who knew? Walmart did not however, have said Ho Ho' I bought little chocolate donuts instead.
You learn something new everyday. My sister was right should be careful when googleing "Ho Ho's." I did it when I got home to find this picture......
....and I also got a picture of Santa......laying face down...naked except for a Santa hat.......and I will NEVER be the same again.
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