Before I moved to Texas I would have said that Mexican was my least favorite type of food. My friends in college loved it and always wanted to go, so I would just eat basket loads of free chips and if I was feeling a little edgy....a taco. But I didn't like it much at all. I wasn't very adventurous with sauces, peppers and onions or spicy things.....some might say things with flavor. And then...I moved to Texas and apparently not liking Mexican food in Texas is similar to bad mouthing the Pope in is unacceptable. Texans will quickly tell you that their Mexican food is unlike Mexican food anywhere else in the country and they refer to it as Tex-Mex. This is something I would have (and probably did) scoff at in the beginning, but after almost 4 years there I will have to agree with is very different indeed. While I was there, I got sucked into the Tex-Mex vortex and surprisingly, it made it on the top 5 list of reasons it was hard to leave Texas.
Since I left I have been craving it like crazy, because it is not just that Texans love is a staple to them. When people are deciding to go out to eat, Tex-Mex is always in the mix of choices and normally is what people settle on. I discovered that one of my favorite places in Fort Worth,
Uncle Julio's, has two locations in Atlanta and I was so excited. I was worried that because it isn't Texas the food would be different so I knew I wanted to check it out. Last night I had talked some new friends into going down with me to try it!
Here are those friends....Thank you ladies so much for humoring me!
And here is my plate...
This is actually not all that came on my plate along with chips and tortillas, so there is actually some sitting in my fridge right now that I am very excited about. The food was just how I remembered it. I will be going again....and again.....and probably again.
Here I sit at work at 240am and I am ready to go home now. That's really all I have to say :-)
Well, that and I thoroughly enjoyed the extraganza!
I really hope that you are home by now and more than that, that you are in your bed sleeping!
Clearly, I was tired, because I am not sure what a "extraganza" is. I guess that it is an extravaganza for someone who's been awake too long...
Clearly! That is hilarious..I didn't even see that...maybe I am still recovering. And clearly you are blogging after being up all night...maybe you're sleeping now?
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