This is my sister; my very amazing, wonderfully wise, beautiful sister....and people think we look exactly alike. And not only that, but many people think we are twins or better yet, the same person. We do not see it, but apparently it is there. This never happened until college. I am always blown away by how fascinated people are by it as if they have never seen siblings who look similar....I cannot imagine how bad this is for actual twins. We can be in a grocery store and the cashier will be amazed and ask us if we are twins. Being back in the same city is bringing this up again. Here are just a few of the funny things that have happened since I have been here.
Story 1
One of my first weeks here I was serving drinks at a church event. I got to this one table and asked them if they wanted refills and one man at the table grabbed my arm, twisted me around and mumbled something that sounded like, "Hey, How's your.....," while looking at my backside. You could imagine my surprise, so I said, "Huh?" Mr. let go of my arm and begin stammering, "oh, um, uh, um......" (This is the moment where I know what is happening, but the other person doesn't and I have to decide how long I am going to let them sweat it out. This probably sounds mean, but I think I deserve to have a little fun with it!) This man ended up being Lauren's doctor and I did finally tell him I was Lauren's sister.
Story 2
Some time around my second week here I was walking from the front lobby into the student ministry room and I was about to pass this really tall guy. Right when he got to me he exclaimed very excitedly, "Hey!!!!!" and he gave me a huge hug (again, the moment where I have to decide....how long.....or even how to tell him without making him feel really stupid). He looked down at me and I said, "I'm not Lauren..." His face dropped, his arm dropped and he said loudly, "Woah.....No way!" Hilarious.
Story 3
This week I was at an event at church sitting with some girls when one of Lauren and Trey's friends walked in. Now I know this guy because he has been friends with them for a while and he also works at Grace, but I do not know him well. He began walking towards where I was sitting with a huge smile on his face like he was glad to see me and I thought in my head, "Why is he smiling at me like that....he must think I'm Lauren?" He sat down beside me still smiling and the suddenly said, "I thought you were Lauren." I considered saying "I know" but I just laughed and pointed to where Lauren was sitting.
These are only 3 of a few. Many times a week since I have been here people wave at me and think I'm Lauren and even a few people recently that know me and not her have thought she was me. Apparently the Jordan DNA is some strong stuff and I am okay with people thinking we look alike...there are few people I would be more okay with resembling than her...even when she makes faces like this...
Story 4: Shelly Treadway calls you Lauren for the rest of your life.
(Even if that did happen, somehow it might still have to be OK, since Shelly is one of the coolest people ever, and she really doesn't mean it.)
So, what do you think about this plan: I will continue to try to integrate running into my life on a regular basis. I will make an attempt to get myself into shape enough to do this race with you girls. But, ONLY because you all are cool and I might feel left out if I didn't at least try. And because it is on my list of things to do at some point in my life, and as it turns out, I am not getting any younger (which is unfortunate.) I do, however, maintain the right to change my mind at any time. Just so you know :-)
Great 4th story and so true...I believe I was Lauren at least 3 times last night.
I think your plan is excellent...like I said no pressure! We just all want to be around you bc we think you are COOL. It would be great fellowship, you can mark off a life accomplishment, there are many pros to this. But believe me, I will respect your right to change your mind...However (this is my "addendum"), if you choose not to run, you must come cheer...this is a non-negotiable ;)
"Addendum" accepted. Consider it on my calendar. If I used one of those... (Actually, I do have a calendar that I sometimes write things in. The problem is that I never go back and look at it to see what I might have written...)
Either way, I will be there on the 1st.
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