
Farmers Market Obsession

Do you ever get the feeling at the grocery store like it always costs more than you think it is going to no matter how many items you buy?  I feel like I walk in Kroger and whether I get 4 items or 14 items, it never costs me less than $30.  Often, I see the total, look down at my basket  and think something like, "Seriously, I just spent $30 and I have nothing to make a meal out of.  How is that possible?"
This situation never happens at the Dekalb Farmers Market; in fact, quite the opposite.  It doesn't matter how much stuff I put in my basket, it is rarely more than $13.  Because of this, I have a small obsession with the place.  The first 1 1/2 I lived here I heard about it, but had never been and then last October I moved a mile down the street from it and I obsessed.  Here is an example of how awesome this place is:
My Total yesterday: $10.31
My Cart:
1 large head of Romaine lettuce
2 Green Bell Peppers
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Cucumber
1 bag of Carrots
1 3lb bag of Gala apples
1 2lb bag of fresh peaches

It never fails that the man at the counter tells me the total and I think, "I should leave quickly before they change their mind."  That is seriously a lot of stuff for $10.  Any 3 of those items would have run you close to that much at the grocery store.  Other than having awesome produce prices, you can get any spice you need in a big container for cents.  They have fresh meats, homemade pizza dough, fresh breads; including these amazing croutons I buy all of the time.  And if all of this wasn't enough, it is an amazing cultural experience each time you go.  It is staffed and frequented by people from all over the world.  You really feel like you are in the best part of another country when you go. 

I told my roommate the other day that I would need to always live within 5 miles of the Farmers Market.  In reality I would move, but I would be very sad about it.