
tokens and transgressions

I recently started working with Mckinney Church again, but this time as the 6th grade girls intern instead of the college intern...quite the change! We did an all night lock-out last Friday night, which is actually similar to what the Chinese do to terrorists as a form of torture, only they don't eat pizza and play laser tag. Anyway, from 12:00 am until 3:30 am we were at this put put arcade place. Everyone had this giant cup filled with tokens and I began to play this one game with a few other kids. Its one of those games where you drop the token and there are two levels filled with tokens. The point is to get yours to land on the top level which is moving and push off tokens onto the next level, which push tokens over the edge and essentially wins you lots of tickets. This is the game that made me realize how easy it would be to become a gambler. I, along with several students, used all to most of our tokens on that game; just putting them in one right after another and each time hoping that this would be the big one that would put us on top.
I had a small revelation today that this is sin. I am not arguing that an arcade game is sin or that playing it was sin. I am saying that that is how sin works. We are drawn to something, see something, feel something, want something and so we test it out. We are looking for it to do something for us, fulfill something. Maybe it does, but even if it does it is only for a second. So we keep putting tokens in, each time hoping that this will be the one that leaves us needing nothing else. Just one more. Just one more. Just one more. It just never does though. There is nothing on earth that leaves us needing nothing else. It is only Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I love when we find little things like that in life that help us better understand who we are in God and more importantly who we are in relation to Him. So fascinating. thanks for sharing that revelation!