

Most people, subconsciously, spend their every ounce of energy searching for what is true in the world. I believe that even attempts to avoid truth are searches for alternate routes to truth. People should, however, spend all the energy intentionally and consciously searching for the truth and upon finding it, live it out. If I had, in my grasp, the truth about all of reality and chose instead to ignore it, supress it in fact and live for lies, would I not be the worst of fools? I would not have ignorance as an excuse. I would have no excuse at all other than my own stupidity. If we know what is true about life and what it means, why would we not spend every waking moment submitting ourselves to it and living out of it?
We know that Jesus is either a fool (off of his rocker) or the Son of God. And we know that He said, "I am the way the TRUTH, and the life, no one comes to Father except through me." And yet we still live as if he were simply a good teacher. We do not pour over His life, His movements, His Word and seek with our very soul to live out that truth. How can I be so foolish? The flesh is no excuse. Paul says, though we walk in the flesh we do not wage war as the world does. We know the truth, we have it. I have it. What am I doing chasing after lies, vanities, shiny gods that do not satisfy? I should spend every moment pleading for the Lord to help me close the gap between the reality of the way I live my life and His reality of truth.