
I planted a garden

I have always wanted to plant a garden.  I grew up on a farm, where every year my grandpa planted a huge row garden and we got to go out and help pick all of the yummy things that he had planted. I don't have any fields, nor do I own the house I live in, so planting a row garden was out of the question.  My sister discovered this idea called Square Foot Gardening. This type of garden is planted in an above ground box.  You plant based on a calendar, so you rotate things and have a continual crop from April through the winter. We built our boxes and since compost is one of the other fillers for the box, I built a compost bin out of discarded pallets. It has been great, since we do not have a disposal at this new house. We just toss all of our discarded veggies, egg shells and yard trash in there.

I started planting seeds in March and I have really enjoyed getting to watch the progress of my little garden.  Some things have done great and others not so great, but I have learned a lot from this first garden experience. Here is a picture of the completed box and trellis.  A neighbor discarded some PVC pipe and I was able to use that to make a free trellis.

Here are a few pictures of the "first fruits."
A green pepper
 Sugar Snap Peas
 Green Beans
I also have sweet potatoes, lima beans, cherry and large tomatoes, basil, squash, zucchini, corn, watermelon and cucumbers.

Harvesting Time