
Things I have learned since coming to Ft. Worth...

1. The grass is greener on the other side.....total lie, its not green on any side.
2. Hispanics always have the right of way
3. Anything goes in a Tortilla
4. "G" is not just a letter of the alphabet. It is actually a state of being.
5. Beauty school haircuts are cheap...for a reason
6. Cowboy hats are not just "a trend"
7. Yard sales are a Hispanic profession
8. Fall is a mere figment of my imagination
9. The dinosaurs have ancestors...the Armadillo and the Hornytoad
10. The Alamo really was a big deal

And to think...I"ve only been here 2 months. Stay tuned for more!


Ian and Sally said...

things i've learned since coming to Boston:

1. no one has right-of-way
2. stop signs are optional (well, i learned that in New Orelans too)
3. harvard and harbor are actually pronounced ha'va'd and ha'ba
4. the car horn is a useful and fun driving tool
5. essex county (where i live) is the most overpriced place in america (according to Forbes)
6. the summer is a figment of my imagination
7. there are people who actually care about hockey
8. fenway park is the greatest sporting complex in america (sorry death valley...)
9. in maine there are excessive amounts of chiropractors, blueberries, and cult-like religious groups
10. northerners are actually really friendly. well, except on the road...

ian :-)

Unknown said...

I really did NOT know that you had moved out there to go to seminary! Man, i love the internet and how I can find out things about people!

I hope you are doing well and next time I am out that way, I shall holla at you!

Katie said...

yes, the Alamo was a really big deal - and a really big let down...don't go visit it...it's SO overrated. dang Texans. haha ;-)