
Animal lover



Maddie and Bailey

I have always been an animal lover, but recently I have noticed a drastic increase in my desire to be a pet owner. Maybe its from being out on my own away from my family pets, maybe I'm just getting older or maybe I'm just obsessed. I want a dog, but not just A dog...I want every dog I see, and cat for that matter. Every time I see a dog I say things like, "Ooh a dog" or "Look a dog" or "can I have that dog" and a myriad of other phrases. I start talking to it like its a baby. Is there something wrong with me? My sister and mom both think I should forget about youth ministry and open a dog shelter (though the two are similar in some ways, just kidding). I, along with millions of other Americans, was outraged by the Oprah special on puppy mills and decided I needed to adopt a dog and I needed to do it now. Of course I cannot because the seminary doesn't allow it, though they should. I am a frequent visitor of the Fort Worth Human Society, which is a dumb idea because I go and of course I want dogs, all of them and I can't even have one of them.
One day I will have a dog...let me rephrase...I will have lots of dogs. I think people should adopt dogs...not buy them, but adopt them. There are shelters all over the country that have pure breeds if that is what you want. Too many perfectly good dogs are being killed everyday. And the thing that gets me fired up the most is how many of the dogs in shelters are there not because they are strays, but because their owners gave them up. Why are people dumping their dogs? On Craigslist there is a whole slue of dogs being surrendered by their owners...why? Dogs are part of your family. They are a member, entrusted to you. Why would people do that to their pets?

Anyway, I want to rescue dogs from shelters. My sister and brother-in-law recently rescued a dog to add to their family. They had one Basset named Bailey and they rescued another one from the National Basset Hound rescue named Maddie! I was so excited! This dog that didn't have a home and had been shuffled around all over the place, now has a loving family. Dogs are wonderful gifts! I am itching for my chance to saev one!


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