
the Craigslist "free" section Part 3

A list of the reasons I think this post is ridiculous:

Thing #A) Who doesn't know how to spell "deer?"
3) Who thinks, "I know what I'll do today! I'll collect acorns, so that others can feed deer. And then I'll post an ad on Craigslist because surely someone is online searching for free deer feeding acorns.
H) Deer are actually able to find and feed themselves acorns. They do not require the help of human acorn retrievers.
%) This cat collected enough acorns that a bag or bucket is necessary for pick-up
8) What would you say when you called the number? "Ahhhh, yeah, I, uhhh....I'm interested in your acorns? My deer really like acorns."
Thing # Last) This world might just be crazy enough that someone actually responded to this ad and traipsed out to Kennesaw, bucket in hand.


the Craigslist "free" section part 2

Because you may not be able to read this to get the full affect, I will quote it for you. It says, "Homemade pencil tray, made from sheet metal. Made in shop class. Includes some bonus pens to go with it. Easy porch pickup."

If the pencil tray itself was not enough, and the bonus pen offer just tipped you over the edge and you just must have this item you may drive all the way to Decatur from where you live, saunter up to this person's porch and without dropping any cash whatsoever (that is if you don't count the gas and time it took to pick up the item) this little gem can be yours. Ahhhh....the joy of the free Craigslist free section.


the Craigstlist "free" section.

Lately, I have been doing a lot of Craigslist browsing. I've been looking for a new place to live, looking for a new car and looking for a job. It wasn't until a few days ago that I discovered the joy of browsing the section marked, "free." I think every now and then you may actually find a decent item that you are looking for, like free moving boxes or free firewood. Other times, you may find some real entertaining "treasures."

First up we have this tantalizing treasure...I almost can't believe it's free...

Please note that "free" is a reduced price from $2 each. I am so glad he reduced them because though they are absolutely worth every penny of the $8 total, I must have them and on the unemployed budget, $8 is just too much to spare.

This is just the first of several posts to come on this topic....stay tuned.


renewed hope

I interviewed for a job yesterday that I really, really want to get. This was my second high school English teaching interview. The first one, as documented here, went horribly and left me feeling so discouraged for trying to be a teacher. They really made me feel like I was an idiot for even trying to do alternative certification to get a teaching job...like it was an absurd idea. When I got the email that this most recent school wanted to interview me, I was really nervous that it would turn out the same way. For some reason, when I got to the school today that feeling was gone. I felt confident and hopeful that this time was going to go well.

The assistant principal who interviewed me had done alternative certification himself and now had his PHD. He was so encouraging during the whole interview. He told me that in his experience those who take an alternate route to teaching have been the best teachers. The interview went so well and though I may not be the candidate that they choose at the end of the process, I feel like I am in the running and I have a renewed sense of hope that this idea to teach is possible.

I would really like to teach and coach. I really want this job...so we'll see. Pray for me! If I get it...I am going to NEED it! I should start googling, "How to be an English teacher."



I love this place...

And I love these friends...

I was so blessed at Clemson to have an amazing group of friends. I miss them and wish I got to see them more. This was my second Clemson game this year and there might just be one more! Go Tigers!