
Spring Break.....is it really a break?

I leave in approximately 6 hours for two states that I have never been to. First stop...Chicago, Ill. Second Stop...Denver, Colorado. I have high expectations for both of these trips. One allows me to live in the present, encouraging those who are currently experiencing their college careers and the other is a step towards my future, life after college. Who knows where I will be in 2 months from now. In all of this, many hard lessons, I am learning that life must move on. You die a little more every second you stand still. I don't want to be like that. I want to be working towards something, even if its something I can't see. I read something the other day and is struck me as a rather important idea. In his book "Don't Waste your Life" John Piper says, "“The people that make a durable difference in the world are not the people who have mastered many things, but those who have been mastered by one great thing.” I have spent so much time trying to be good at so many things so that maybe they can be used. I hope that I will learn to be mastered by one thing, for my life to be poured out for one thing, one important, life changing thing.