
death and taxes.

Below is a list of things that made me laugh yesterday while unsuccessfully doing my taxes...

1) A category that said "Life Situations" and read like this...

Check all that apply
0 Blind (not sure I would know I needed to check this if I was blind)
0 Disabled
0 Died in 2009.......DIED IN 2009???? Now I realize that this means you are filing for someone who is deceased, but when you are doing your own taxes and run across this question it is quite funny...it is also funny that they call dieing in the previous year a "life situation"

2) I had to enter a w2 where I made $75.00 and they withheld $1.00 and I actually watched my return amount lower when I entered it in...

3) What the heck are railroad retirement benefits?

4) The fact that you have to report bingo winnings......who wins that much money at bingo....i thought they just played for the satisfaction of getting to yell, BINGO!!!!...really?

5) My total salary for 2009 might be the most laughable part of it all. How was I not begging for bread on the street corner?

6)I actually quit about halfway through because of my 15 part time job W-2's and random non-taxed income I had made enough "guesses" while entering in things that I figured the IRS might come after me because surely some things were incorrect. Now I must find someone who knows what they are doing to help me.....Anybody know a good CPA?


Melanie said...

I used H&R Block and it was quick and easy.

I laughed when the H&R Block agent looked me in the eyes and said, "Do you have any foreign bank accounts you're not telling me about?"

Wouldn't she like to know? :)