
Lent Day 11

Opening Prayer:
Eternal Father,
turn our hearts to you.
By seeking your kingdom
and loving one another,
May we become a people who worship you
in spirit and truth.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

The Readings: Deuteronomy 26:16-19; Psalm 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Matthew 5:43-48

Daily Meditation:
Turn our hearts to you.
The Saturdays of Lent have a grateful and uplifting tone to them.

Our lesson today reminds us of the covenant God made long ago:

you be my people

and I will be your God.

In the new covenant, without condition,
God is faithful to us, even if we are not.

Jesus calls us to a new way of being -

loving others as we have been loved -

which includes loving those who do not love us.

We are to be as pure in our love,

as God is pure in loving us.

God loved the world so much,
he gave us his only Son,
that all who believe in him
might have eternal life.
John 3:16

To make us his new creation, Christ the Lord gave us the waters of rebirth
and spread the table of his body and his word. Let us call upon him and say:

Lord, renew us in your grace.

Jesus, meek and humble of heart, clothe us with compassion, kindness and humility,
- make us want to be patient with everyone.
Teach us to be true neighbors to all in trouble and distress,
- and so imitate you, the Good Samaritan.
May the Blessed Virgin, your Mother, pray for all those vowed to a life of virginity,
- that they may deepen their dedication to you and to the Church.
Grant us the gift of your mercy,
- forgive our sins and remit their punishment.

Closing Prayer:
Loving God,
Sometimes my heart
turns in every direction
except towards you.
Please help me
to turn my heart toward you,
to gaze upon you in trust
and to seek your kingdom with all of my heart.
Soften my hardened heart
so that I might love others
as a way to glorify and worship you.
Grant me this
with the ever-present guidance of your spirit.