
Control and Comfort

So far more than this trip has taught me about God, it has taught me about myself. It is as if a mirror is being held up in front of my face and its soul purpose is to magnify my weaknesses and imperfections. You learn a lot about yourself when you are far away from home and all that you know and all that seems to know you. I realize more than ever that I like comfort, but even more than that I like to be able to control my level of comfort.
Last night I slept in a small room with 24 beds, each containing a person I have never met, from a country I have never been to, speaking a language I don't understand. One lady in particular from somewhere in Asia has a dreadful snoring problem. I slept very little. I was as dirty as I have ever been, not having showered for a few days and I found those things feeding frustration. I wanted comfort. Frustration becomes a huge weakness when it comes upon me because I see little else, especially the needs around me because frustration is all about me. Yesterday I read this and it came back to mind today:
"When Jesus sent the 12 to preach he said, 'Take nothing for the journey-no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave town. So they set out preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere." Luke 9:3-5
I pray that being stripped of clothes and food and money and traveling around with minimal comfort in an unusual place will change me. I pray that God will use this to show me who he is and I will see him more clearly when I am not blinded by all my comfort and when life is completely out of my control. May his Kingdom come!


Katie said...

I too have been thinking about these things lately...definitely not learning things in the same way as you are, obviously...because well, I'm not in Europe all smelly, cold, and not able to communicate with people around me. Nor is there an Asian woman sleeping in my room next to me snoring really loudly....maybe I could buy a CD with those lovely sleeping sounds on it though...hmmm. But seriously, it's nice to hear your thoughts, and what you're learning. Enjoy yourself AJ, live it up and learn lots...i love you!