
Miles to go before I sleep...

19 hours of traveling beginning at 8:30 pm in Mostar, Bosnia on the 15th and ending at 3:30 pm in Budapest, Hungary on the 16th. We took an all night bus from Bosnia to Osjek, Croatia. We arrived at 7:00 am and hitched a ride with the brother in law of a missionary Daniel knew. He drove us 5 hours to Budapest and dropped us at the airport. The temperature was -6 Celsius about 20 Fahrenheit. On a scale of 1 to freezing it is freezing in Budapest. From the airport we took a bus, from the bus we took a metro, from the metro we took the wrong bus then got off and onto the right bus and from that bus we took another bus that dropped us off outside of Budapest. From here we had scrambled directions to the house we were staying out. At this point we have no feeling in our extremities and we are still carrying our packs, we blend in very well. After a few wrong turns and help from 3 people who don’t speak English (they just point and ramble in some dialect that might as well be silence because we don’t understand it) we finally found a drunk man who took us to the proper street. God bless the alcoholic.
In spite of all of this we are happy to be in Budapest. We will actually be here for a few nights so it will be a change of pace for us. The constant moving wears the body and the soul down quickly. It is here that I have found the depth of who I really am. There are no covers of comfort to hide behind. One’s true self and disposition exposes itself and at times rears its ugly head when lost in a freezing foreign country with no food, no sleep and no direction. I pray that our time here will be refreshing and encouraging. The guys are definitely seeing what it will be like to make this life their life and doors continue to open for them. I am privileged to get to watch it.