
Career Builder

Okay, so its time to play a little interactive game. I need your help. I need a career and I need one fast. It is you, the reader's chance to have a vital role in the life of A.J. Jordan and help her choose a career. So, I need you to answer the question, "What should A.J. do with her life.?" Now I realize (and only because I am this person) that some of you will be tempted to be funny and that is okay. I could use some comic relief. But if you provide a funny answer also think of a serious one. You can comment anonomously like some of you do. You know if you're one of those who read this but you don't want me to know that you read and therefore you never comment, I'm going to need you to suck it up and comment, this is important people...life and death...the difference between a life given over to Einstein Bagel Brothers and something important. So, you have your task if you choose to accept it. Your reward will be in heaven (God is delighted that you are helping out his child of indecision!)