
What's in a man?

In Poland the population of Jews started out in the hundreds of thousands. After World War II less than 4 thousand remain. I watched Schindler's List last night and had a nightmare about being in a modern day war like that one and being on the disdained minortiy side. I awoke relieved that it was only a dream and then realized that it had only been a dream for me....it had really happened and not all that long ago.
You know I've been to Europe, or rather just got back and I don't want to say that I've been there or I've seen it because I know that what Europe is now is nothing like what Europe was then, but the remants or World War II are still very very visible. How could the largest massacre of human beings, the largest display of hate in history not have effects that linger only 50 years later? When in Budapest we spent 4 hours in this place called the Terror Museum, the former headquarters/torture house for the AVO and the Arrowcross armies. I just can't believe that something like that actually happened. The population of Jews that were killled is just over 6 million. 6 MILLION PEOPLE killed because of their heritage, both a race and a faith. In the movie Goeth (the terrible director of the Poland prison camps) says, "They fear us because we have power." Schindler replies, "Power, true power, is having every justifiable reason to take a life and not doing it, instead pardoning them." There really is no way to end this entry. I knowthat man is essentially evil, but the reality of this defines evil in a whole new light. And Oscar Schindler, because of him there are 6000 Jewish descandants of the people he saved. That is 2000 more than all the Poles left after the war.


Anonymous said...

Its interesting that although the holocaust was horribly tragic and beyond comprehension American cultural views on racism are just a damaging socially. The stem of hatred for blacks in America has created a significant impact on a race. Although racism is dying, socioeconomic divisions create a type of class structure that is extremely damaging and extends beyond one race. The horrors of the Holocaust cannot be matched. It was an extremely brutal form of genocide, but when thinking about this remember the 15 million people Stalin killed in the later part of the 1900's. Remeber the 100 million people with HIV. Remember the millions affected by racial hatred; Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, Asians... Rember the 1.5 million women and men trapped in the world sex trade.
