

Here is a little secret about me...I hate ants. HATE THEM! I am anti ant! If I got my pick, if God sat us around one day and said, "A.J. I might have 'made' a few mistakes. I am giving you the opportunity to choose one said mistake and destroy, kill, eradicate it from the whole of earth. I would choose the ant. Why, you may ask, such animosity towards the ant? To which I would answer, 'Must you ask?'" You may be now thinking, why today is she hating all over ants, to which I would paint you a scene from my morning. I awoke to my alarm clock you know the usual routine. I grabbed my laptop (which I just got back from the Apple ICU after a bad runin with some juice) and opened to find an army of ants pouring out of the inside like something out of a psycho Wes Craven film. That is why the animosity. They also ate my Valentines sucker and it happend to be the only Valentine I received.