
i got a camera.

Back in....well....I can't really remember when...early college maybe?....I got my first digital camera. It was a little Olympus...you know, right when digital cameras started getting popular. It was a good little camera. It served its purpose. It served it's purpose for many...many years...until very recently, in fact....like Christmas recently. I took that little digital camera to Africa in Decemember and after I got home and uploaded my pictures onto my computer I realized, all too late, that my little camera's days were over. My pictures from Africa (which is an amazingly photogenic place on so many levels) were terrible. They were all blurry, poor quality. It was SUPER sad. I was very disappointed. I have wanted, for some time now actually, a nice digital camera. My sister has had one forever and is great at taking stellar pictures. However, I retired my sad camera with no plans to get another one. I therefore, ventured to Jordan in March with no camera, but thank goodness one of the girls there is passionate about photography, so I got good pictures anyway. In June, I decided it was time to break down and buy a camera. So, using my government kick-back (my tax return) I bought a camera....this one....

It takes great pictures like these...

well....most of them are great pictures.....there is only so much a camera can do....


amy said...

these pictures make me smile :-)