
tonight I was reminded...

Tonight, for the first time since I left Texas, I got to hang out with high school students. I helped out with a 2 hour basic faith class the student ministry does for students who want to go deeper in their walk. I have missed working with students so much. For me it is that place where I come alive. You know that place where you find yourself thinking, "This is what I was made to do." Tonight I was reminded of all the reasons I love working with students and though a lot of things in ministry are the same no matter what demographic you are working with, there are certain things that can only be experienced while working with students.....here are just a few of the things I love...

1. They pray the most hilarious and yet, sincere prayers that begin with statements like, "Hey God, its me Hannah" and end with things like "Talk to you later."
2. A game as stupid as a contest tossing M&M's in one another's mouths is the greatest thing ever.
3. I can listen to them talk and find myself wondering if my faith in God and my love for other people is as deep as theirs.
4. They answer questions from their leader like, "Who can bring something special for the party next week" with statements like...."I'll bring myself."
5. They want to change the world and they believe that they can do it.
6. Though they may have moments of self consciousness they can be so care free and make you want to let down your adult guards and just have a good time.
7. They are capable of deep levels of love...even for people they don't know well or people that are very different from them.
8. They keep you honest.

The reasons I love working with them are really endless, but these are just some I thought about tonight as I walked with them. I know the Lord has me here for a reason and I am thankful I will get to share in a little way in the lives of these students. I think they make me a better me.


amy said...

So glad that you have this opportunity and that your heart was so happy tonight. Hoping (and praying) that there will be lots more opportunities at Grace to do what you love. Hope that you are sleeping!